5 Faktoren, die bei der Auswahl eines lichthärtenden Materials berücksichtigt werden sollten

What to Think About When Choosing an LCM

Fast on-demand cure, cost and energy savings, and environmentally friendly qualities are just a few of the many benefits of using light-curable materials (LCMs) in the manufacturing process. But that process could come with some problems if good controls are not put into place.

Here are 5 factors manufacturers need to think about prior to selecting an LCM for their application:

1. Know the substrate. What surface will the LCM adhere to? Does it require a secondary cure? Will its color affect the application?

2. Set up a light-curing process. What size area is being cured? What light intensity is required? Is the right equipment available?

3. Understand the effects of under- and over-curing. Will the process be impacted by an insufficient or an excessive amount of light-curing exposure? If so, to what extent?

4. Choose the right dispensing system. Is the dispensing system compatible with the viscosity of the LCM? Is the application area being considered?

5. Properly store and dispose of the materials. Does the light-curable material require a temperature-controlled room? Can it tolerate low/high temperatures? Is the shelf life of the LCM six months or one year? Know how to correctly maintain and discard the materials to ensure worker and environmental safety.

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